Woofdate and Transparency Report

Brandon Kleiman
5 min readMar 4, 2022

February Edition

Raw Social Stats

Telegram — Total of 3456 Total Members

  • 55% Increase in one Month

Reddit — Upon inception have reached and broken the 1,000 user mark at 1052

Discord — Reached and surpassed the 2,000 user mark at 2,036. Join our public discord channels for up to date information and discussion on various topics.

Instagram — 478 followers on Instagram, newly incepted, and soon to be a hub for archived information on giveaways, informative material, and new updates.

DAO Twitter — in just two months the DAO’s Twitter has surpassed 2.1k followers

Osmosis Volume

  • Averaging 1.5MM volume on 24HR and in the top ten of all osmosis tokens

New Partnerships


New Listings


  1. Injective Protocol — including the integration of the first contract trading platform along with two relay exchanges: Unlimited Exchange and Picasso Exchange
  2. Rango Exchange — Cross chain platform with multi wallet support
  3. JunoSwap—One of the most ambitious and used projects, JunoSwap, recently launched its Beta V.1 Dex last January 14, 2022. By opening another DeFi opportunity within Cosmos through this protocol, pools were listed along the launch ranging from $ATOM, $OSMO, $UST and other IBC tokens. And our goodest boy will not be missing out, $HUAHUA has been listed on the liquidity pools paired with $Juno.

4. SiennaSwap

Defi privately with sHUAHUA; this will open up opportunities to send/ transact in sHUAHUA privately along with purchasing/ selling NFT’s privately on stashh.io


5. HotBit


Internal Upgrades and Announcement

  • First ever HuaHua NFT launch on 101huahuas.com and listed on Stashh.io



4. Validator decentralisation prize pool — PASS

On January 31st 2022, Chihuahua validator Jabbey organised a giveaway event to incentivize and raise awareness of the importance of decentralising delegations to validators. This event ends March 1st (which gives delegates with an address funded as of Feb. 1st Midnight UTC a month to complete the delegation requirements to qualify for the prize), and there is a prize pool address that can receive additional contributions. There is not just one winner for this prize; there could potentially be more than 2,000 addresses receiving a share of the prize pool. Please see the link below for the full details.

This proposal will authorize a 5,000,000 $HUAHUA contribution from the community pool to the prize pool address.

By contributing to this event, the Chihuahua Chain has a chance to use it’s meme power as a way to raise awareness about how decentralizing validator power is essential to the health of every sovereign chain in the Cosmos ecosystem.

5. Update Max Validators — PASS

Update max validators to 125, consider securing network even further and also give a chance to smaller yet reliable validators to participate in the network

6. HuaHua Integration on Stake.tax — PASS (not yet complete)

Stake.tax is requesting 4,200,000 HUAHUA (around 20,000$ at the time) from the Community Pool to integrate and develop HUAHUA CSVs on their website, supporting it through April 2023 (next tax season). The scope of the budget involves adding CSVs to stake.tax, involving: research, CSV implementation, integration and testing. HUAHUA CSVs should be live on stake.tax within one month from a start date. (2/16/2021). ONLY AFTER the integration is complete and all Chihuahua users are satisfied with the service will the 4,200,000 HUAHUA be sent to the following address. (funds already sent).

Prospective Proposals and Partnerships


  • One of, if not, the biggest potential partnership and upgrade in utility for Chihuahua, Passage intends to develop a virtual world on the their platform, run on unreal engine, meaning no need for user software, that will allow $HUAHUA token holders and MetaHuahua holders a Metaverse experience to interact and further build the community. The virtual world will include avatar customizations, mini games, social experiences, and ways to upgrade your character. All fees for the game will be paid in our currency.

